Opening: October 6, 11.30 a.m.
Anna K.E. (b. 1986 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives in New York, USA) develops architectural constructions, settings, and sculptural models, as well as spontaneously filming her own actions in order to trace the relationship between the subjective body and the social environment. Modern architecture of the early twentieth century always plays a key role in her work. Anna K.E. playfully and anarchically breaks through norms and fixed social structures. Her work is concerned with the human dimension in an environment characterized by both lack of stability and freedom. For her exhibition at Haus Esters, Anna K.E. is developing a total installation with new works related to the site.
After graduating from the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, Anna K.E. has been honored with numerous international awards and exhibitions and was featured in the Georgian Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale.
Curator: Sylvia Martin
Since 2017, the Kunstmuseen Krefeld have been conceiving exhibitions in the neighboring villas Haus Lange and Haus Esters that enter into dialogues with each other—between art and design, between generations, or between themes and related content. This series now continues with Marion Baruch and Anna K.E., two artists who are separated by two generations but whose approaches are linked by similar themes, including performative and participatory elements and the playful linking of art and design. Both work with the human body as an instrument of measurement and emotional stimulus.
Die Künstlerin Anna K.E. erforscht die Architektur der modernen Villa Haus Esters von Ludwig Mies van der Rohe mit künstlerischen Mitteln: Sie schaut sich dafür ganz besonders jene Räume, Ecken und Wände an, die eher unscheinbar sind. Im Ferienkurs testen wir kreative, spielerische Methoden, um Baumaterialien zu erkunden und Räume neu zu vermessen. Wie viele Kinderschritte ist die Halle lang? Aus was sind eigentlich die Fensterbänke gemacht? Und kann man Räume auch mit anderen Sinnen als den Augen erkunden? Wie klingt zum Beispiel das Treppenhaus? Wie fühlen sich die Böden in den verschiedenen Räumen an? Wir zeichnen Grundrisse, denken uns alternative Wandgestaltungen aus und entwickeln so unser eigenes Fantasie-Architekturmodell.