Folklore & Avant-Garde
The Reception of Popular Traditions in the Age of Modernism

Ed. Katia Baudin, Elina Knorpp
Contributions by K. Baudin, G. Breuer, V. Gardner Troy, M. Holzhey, M. Jongbloed,
C. Kallieris, W. Kaschuba, B. Knorpp, E. Knorpp, Á. Moravánszky, E. Näslund, P. N’Guessan-Béchié et al.
288 pages, 350 colour illustrations
23 × 27 cm, softcover with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-7774-3384-4
Museum edition: EUR 32, bookshop edition: EUR 39.90
Hirmer, 2020