Visionary Spaces. Walter Pichler Meets Frederick Kiesler
in a Display by raumlaborberlin

Exhibition and catalog: Belvedere, Vienna, in collaboration with the Kunstmuseen Krefeld

Edited by: Stella Rollig, Katia Baudin, Verena Gamper Texts: Katia Baudin, Juliette Desorgues, Verena Gamper, Almut Grunewald, Michael Krajewski, Harald Krejci, Bart Lootsma, Stella Rollig Concept: Verena Gamper Graphic design: Willi Schmid Editing: Katharina Sacken (German), Tas Skorupa (English)

Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter und Franz König, Cologne

The catalog is available in German and English. Museum edition 29,80 Euro 2024

ISBN: 978-3-7533-0664-3

Translated with (free version)

Catalog cover "Visionary Spaces"
Catalog cover "Visionary Spaces"