Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann
Everything created now is the style of our times

Ed. Magdalena Holzhey, Katia Baudin
With an interview Shannon Bool / Magdalena Holzhey and a text by Estelle Hoy
Design: studio tino graß, Brauweiler
104 pages, 30 illustrations
15 × 24 cm, softcover
Museums edition 18,50 Euro, Bookshop edition 23,00 Euro
Grass Publishers 2022

ISBN: 978-3-946848-22-6

Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann  
Collection Satellite #8
Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann
Collection Satellite #8
Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann  
Collection Satellite #8
Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann
Collection Satellite #8
Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann  
Collection Satellite #8
Shannon Bool meets Otto Eckmann
Collection Satellite #8