Stefan Kürten
Was Ist Ist

8 colour lithograph on gold-coloured screen print on 300g Somerset Velvet White
Edition of 40 + 8 AP
Paper format 64 × 72 cm
Print format 50 × 60 cm
Published by Freunde der Kunstmuseen Krefeld e.V.
970 Euros (incl. 19% VAT)


The house as a place of seclusion, idyll and of a longed-for ideal in life is the basic set of themes that Stefan Kürten is examining in his works. He uses shades of gold and a powerfully pictorial system of ornaments to transform typical detached houses of the fifties and sixties into archetypes. As in his painting, Kürten uses an elaborate layering process to give the sheet called "Was Ist Ist" (What Is Is) an indefinable sense of costliness. Printed in the Mike Karstens workshop, Münster.